November 01, 2002
I'm getting sick

Felt really dragged out yesterday after work, came home and basically crashed right out. Woke up this morning and could feel the beginings of a cold building within my innards. Remembering watching something on TV the other day, a commercial about some new-fangled medication that isn't the cure for the cold but shortens it and makes it less severe. Asked around today about it, asked pharmacists, bank tellers, lawyers' assistants, young children, bums... nobody knew what the fuck I was talking about. Did I just dream this thing up or what? People suggested echinicia [sp?] and decongestant, but thats not it, this was some kind of new drug thing. Dammit, they'll never play that commercial again and I'll probably die from this cold thing.

The other day I did fall asleep watching TV and Night of the Living Dead came on, the old 1968 version, and that chick started freaking out about her brother [Billy?] and the black dude is like "don't freak out!" but she keeps getting more and more hysterical, and somehow this all got integrated into my dream, and I slowly wake up and grogily watch the TV and think to myself "hey I was dreaming about a chick freaking out about her brother just like this chick in the movie! WEIRD!" And then the black dude slaps her but good, and I realize that I was dreaming about that shit because I heard it on the TV, subconciously-like. Maybe this whole cure-for-the-common-cold thing came from something like that, the Andromeda Strain mebbe.

Posted by Fungii at November 01, 2002 08:34 PM | TrackBack
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