It was nice and warm today, hopefully that's it for old man winter. And it was busy at work as well, always a good combination. I guess I'm not used to it being so busy, I crashed out for a few hours after work. Looking forward to next week's long weekend, I need a break. Unfortunately, it will only be a three day weekend cause most people will be open on Easter Monday even though I'm sure it will be really slow. Oh well, I can finish reading the Two Towers on that day maybe.
My cobalt blue has been holed up in her burrow for the past week. I think she's molted. I can see her a bit through the top of her burrow and I think she looks bigger. It's hard to tell, I guess I won't really know till she tosses out her old skin. Wonder if she'll expand her burrow for her new, larger body?
They were supposed to be filming a movie in my neighbourhood today. I think it was called ER for Animals. Anyway, they put up all these No Parking signs along 23rd Ave. and then never even showed up, at least as far as I know. I left here around 9:30 am [my day started slow!] and came home around 5 pm and they were nowhere to be seen. Oh well.