I encountered the "Monty Hall" puzzle on this blog and dived in, like a fool, saying they were wrong, that switching makes no difference. Doh! I feel so stupid, especially since I saw this explained on TV, of all places, awhile back and it made perfect sense at the time. But I forgot his explanation and when I encountered it on this blog, it seemed wrong. I think I became hung up on the donkey scenario and that threw me off. Yes, that's my excuse and I'm sticking to it! :) Actually, I also focused on the "end game" where you end up with two possibilities, so it's 50/50 right, why switch? The funny thing is, if you work through the possibilities, one by one, then you can plainly see that it is in fact better to switch, and then you can begin to contemplate why that is. And as there are only three initial choices, it takes no time at all to work through them all. Double doh! And if you have no idea what the hell I'm talking about, go here. And don't argue that it makes no difference, you'll regret it.