There, I said it. I hope 2004 is better than 2003, which kinda sucked.
Anyway, here's a good article about the nature of time. I've heard of most of the stuff he talks about but it's interesting reading about it all in one place.
Today's scientists seeking to combine quantum mechanics with Einstein's theory of gravity (the general theory of relativity) are convinced that we are on the verge of another major upheaval, one that will pinpoint the more elemental concepts from which time and space emerge. Many believe this will involve a radically new formulation of natural law in which scientists will be compelled to trade the space-time matrix within which they have worked for centuries for a more basic "realm" that is itself devoid of time and space.
I wonder if they'll ever understand time itself well enough to do anything practical, like a time machine to the future, or if it will all just be observational. Time will tell. [ha, sorry I couldn't resist]
And he uses the word evanescence which I thought was just the name of a band. Doh!
To dissipate or disappear like vapor.