I was playing Zelda: Ocarina of Time on the Gamecube and I made it to the part where you get sucked into the big fish. At this point, things got a little bogged down. I know what I have to do, pick up the little girl and use her to trip a couple switches to get through doors. The problem is, killing those jellyfish is major pain in the ass. When you use your sword, they electrocute you. So you can use the little bomb thingies, but you only have 30 of those. You can use sticks, but they break off when you hit the jellyfish, so that's another weapon that has limited uses. There's also the magic fire thingy, but you only have so much magic. As if that's not bad enough, after saving your game, when you reload, you don't find yourself back in the big fish, you start way back in your house in the forest! So you have to make the journey all the way back to the big fish before you can even begin to pick up where you left off. This is one thing that I really hate about some console games. Reminds me of the time I played Resident Evil on the Playstation. I made it all the way to the end of the game, but if you die while fighting the big boss creature, the game kicks you way back to an earlier section and you have to spend the next 10-15 minutes working your way back to the big boss. I got sick of doing this and never finished the game. It's not that I thought the big boss was too hard, I just hated going through that useless bullshit just to finish the damn game!