It snowed on Saturday. Hopefully it will all be gone by the time I go to work tomorrow. Tried to fixed my bike this weekend. The rear brake is still seized, I oiled it, didn't help. Front brakes only again tomorrow. :( Finished reading C by Example, now I have to use that knowledge before it all seeps out of my brain again. Good beginner's book if you've never done programming before, explains things very, very simply, no long, extended, complex examples. Learned about malloc() and free(), pointers, structures, reading and writing structures to files, all that good stuff. Watched a couple movies this weekend, Daredevil [ok, Jennifer Garner makes it worthwile] and May [very weird, poking your eye's out weird]. Played around with the Perl module ImageMagick, pretty cool once you figure out how to make it work. I'm just using it to make thumbnails, but it looks like you can do all kinds of image manipulations with it.