Eeek! You can open certain U-locks, specifically the Kryptonite Evolution 2000, with a Bic ballpoint pen! I saw a bit about this on the news the other day, didn't really catch what the story was about, but then today a courier came up to me and was asking if my lock is openable with a Bic pen. Shit, I was kindof scared somebody would rip off my bike all day, I mean they sell those pens to just about everybody! Well, when I got home, I dumped out all my pens on the floor and went about trying to jimmy my cheapo MEC U-lock. Most pens wouldn't even fit, and the ones that would, barely, wouldn't open it. And I tried, I was wiggling it around and jamming it in there, but nothing I could do would turn the tumblers and open the lock. Cool. I know it's still pretty easy to break just about any U-lock, so I know I'm not totally safe, but still, it shouldn't be that easy.
Update: shit, I just did it! If the pen barrel doesn't fit right because it's too small, use a box-cutter to cut a couple slits and try again. My lock is kind of stuck in the half open position. Fuck, I wonder if MEC is still open...
Update 2: MEC was just closing when I called and the girl there said they just had U-locks with the round keys, no flat keys. I think she was full of shit and didn't have a clue what I was talking about, so I will just have to go in there tomorrow when they open. And if you're planning on trying this with your own U-lock, be sure you're ready to throw that lock away because it was hell getting the lock back into working order. It was stuck in the unlock position, I couldn't get the pen to rotate back to the starting position. And the key won't go in because of the nib at the top, I had to grind the nib off with my dremel type tool. Even then, I had to spray oil in there and wack it with a hammer before I could get the damn thing turning properly again.