Almost caught up now, only two more ep's to go and I'll have viewed all the ep's aired so far this season. These ep's? Meh, not so good. You know when they shoot down the president's plane and your reaction is "Hey, what happened to Berooz?", then the writers on this show aren't reaching their audience. At least this audience of one. And what the hell did happen to our little terrorist wannabe? They storm the warehouse, supposedly to rescue Berooz, and we hear nothing about him being there or not. [Maybe I missed something?] Sure, getting Habib was the prime objective, but you would think rescueing the kid would be on their radar to a certain degree. Speaking of Berooz, they knew he did not likely have any pertinent information but they tortured his ass anyway. That's four [relatively] innocent people they've tortured this season, this time a kid no less. Is CTU supposed to be the "bad guy" this season? Or do the writers on this show not see how this constant torturing kinda makes CTU look like a buncha thugs? Or is this supposed to be some kind of satire on the whole war on terror thing? More political BS inserted into the storyline which I didn't care for. Chloe came back, woohoo! Scenes with Audrey and her husband were boring, as were the scenes with the prez and his spawn. Yawn. After looking like this show was getting its legs back, it stumbless again.