I had such a shitty day today. It was really busy all day. Then, right before I started doing my bank deposits, somebody gave me a rush. I thought I could get my deposits done before doing this rush, but all the banks were really busy and it took forever. So the people who sent out the rush got all pissed off that it was so late, so I had to rush down there after my deposits to get rid of the damn thing.
That's when things went from bad to worse as I encountered some psycopath that nearly killed me the other day [long story, it's like something out of "Duel"] and we had some major confrontation in this loading dock. I wouldn't be surprised if I get banned from that building now because of it.
Then when I came home, some chick needed help getting into her car because she locked her keys inside. I tried to use a coat-hanger to get it opened, but I'm useless as a car thief, apparently. I loaned her my finest hammer, because she still needed it to pry the door open while using the coat-hanger after I had given up. She promised to return it when she was done, but here I am, hours later and she never returned my fucking hammer.
It's been a rough day. :(