Jill send me a bunch of these ads. Maybe I'm just easily amused but I thought they were really funny.
Its 9:30 am and nobody's called me yet! So I'm still at home waiting for my first call, trying not to get too comfortable in case I do get that first call soon. Not looking forward to it, there is about 5 cm of snow on the ground and its about -13° Celsius out. Brrr!
K, fuck 'em all, I'm gonna fire up Warcraft III. Don't send a search party...
Its legal in some states for people to examine your trash, so some reporters in Portland decided to go through the mayor's [amongst others] garbage to see what they could find. Hilarious. Reminds me of some crook I used to know who would do dumpster dives behind stores to get credit card carbons and then order stuff to greyhound stations using the pilfered credit card numbers. And people worry about the internet...
This guy breeds mini-cows. Mmmm, now I just need to get an apartment that allows pets and I'll never have to buy milk again!
Another mini-cow story.
I was going to head out and get some crickets, when this happened.
Guess the kids will have to starve, no way I'm going out in that!
U.S. ready to unleash weapons -- The Washington Times They should start a war channel, with live video feeds from various weapons as they hone in on their targets. I can just see Saddam sitting there in his bunker watching TV. "Hey that looks like my house..." KABOOM!
Went to get crickets for my spiders, but the pet store was closed. Damn thing is way down by Heritage as well. Then I went to Future Shop to get a couple of DVDs that were supposedly on sale. They only had 50 each of the ones on sale and they were long gone by the time I got there. Just couldn't bring myself to buy them at a more reasonable, normal sale price so I got none. But I did get 100 blank CDRs for $40, which was a good deal. If the new tax comes in Jan. 1, the levy on 100 CDRs will be 59 cents each, so the tax alone will be $59.00! So the blanks I bought today for $40 will be over $100 in 2003! Ridiculous.
Anyway, I came home, did dishes, washed floors, did laundry and I will get to the washroom eventually I suppose. Boy, I have so much fun! Eww, they just had a cat that was de-clawed on TV. There's something just not right about that. What's the point of being a cat if you can't claw somebody's eyes out? Well I'm off to waste some forest dwellers in WCIII. [I'm almost done!]
I spent the day making pizza [and eating it. burp!], playing Warcraft III [yawn], and I watched Millenium [a repeat, unfortunately, and I hardly ever even watch the show!]. All in all, a pretty relaxing, layed-back holiday. And its warm, sunny and dry, glad I don't live in the east. Some chick was on CNN saying they had just received 7 inches of snow in the last hour. Maybe she was exagerrating, but still, it looks pretty darn ugly for those folks. Oh well, I'm sure we'll get our turn eventually, although the forecast calls for +8 degrees Celsius for tomorrow. Woohoo! Wicked, I can ride my bike out for some boxing day shopping.
Merry Christmas everybody!
Yesterday I had to meet somebody in front of McDonald's to drop off an envelope. So I drop off the envelope no problem, go to my next stop and go to lock up my bike, and there was ketchup all over my back rim, frame, crank-arms and my shoes and pants! Argh! I guess I ran over a ketchup packet when I pulled into the Ronnie's parking lot. Now I need to hose down my bike dammit! Or I could just lick it off, I guess...
It's Friday! Yeah! What a long week, very busy. Spent half my time at the courthouse [thanks Michelle!] and by the time I got out, I would have a bunch of deliveries getting old. Very hectic and stressful, but hey, I made it and its the weekend. Time to relax, but not too much, I think I slept through most of last weekend, don't want to do that again! Plan on playing some games, I haven't done that in weeks! Let see, what do I have...
"It's so important for Americans to know that the traffic in drugs finances the work of terror, sustaining terrorists, that terrorists use drug profits to fund their cells to commit acts of murder. If you quit drugs, you join the fight against terror in America."
President George W. Bush
Watching the Survivor finale tonight, I was repeatedly assaulted with the most fucking assinine commercials by some group called the antidrug. I wanted to tell these assholes how goddamn irritating their ads were that I was tempted to start a heavy morphine habit, but for some reason, there is no way to leave feedback for these dimwits. Their website is all one way. We tell you, you listen. Well fuck you too. Their insistance that there is a link between terrorism and drugs is ridiculous. We also know there are many groups that rely on money from charities, should we also stop giving money to charities? And of course, terrorists get money from oil, yet you don't hear Bush asking us to stop buying oil to put a stop to terrorism, do you? Fucking moron.
I can't say I like Yoko Ono very much, but I will have to say I agree with her on this issue. Paul McCartney wants to change the writing credits on a bunch of Beatles songs from Lenon-McCartney to Paul McCartney and John Lennon. What a dick! Like we care that you wrote a wee bit more than John on a handful of songs. In case you haven't noticed, John is dead and is in no position to defend himself. This is, in Yoko's words, ridiculous, absurd and petty, and I would have to agree with the skank. Just let it be, Paul, let it be.
CNN has revealed seven new plans to replace the World Trade Center towers. None of them are that good, IMNSHO, but at least they aren't as hideous as the first batch. And four of them would be the tallest buildings in the world. At least they seem to get the idea that the replacements for the originals should be something remarkable, groundbreaking, unlike the pedestrian offerings from the first proposals. I think the real memorial to the victims of this tragedy will be the replacement buildings themselves, not some park or museum they dump on the site.
The reviews are in, and it looks like the new Lord of the Rings installment is a winner. Rotten Tomatoes is giving it a 99%, 94 positive reviews and 1 bad one. I don't want to read the reviews just in case they have spoilers, which is kind of ironic as I have read the books but that was like a million years ago and I've forgotten most of the details. I figure maybe Christmas Eve would be a good time to go, the crowds should have died down and I can catch a matinee because I'll only be working a half-day that day, I hope.
I can't believe this story I read over at Metafilter about a German cannibal who advertised on 80 different websites looking for somebody to partake in his perversion. He actually found somebody stupid enough to take him up on his offer, they cut off the man's penis, cooked it up and ate it. He then tortured him to death, cut him up and threw him in the freezer. This was all recorded on videotape for posterity. Most of the idiot was eaten over the following months, the bones being buried around the yard. You just can't make this shit up!
Mmmmm, cut off my own penis, cook it up and eat it, or hit Rotten Ronnies for a burger... Life is full of difficult choices, ain't it?
More on this story. Police say the suspect is not mentally disturbed. I beg to differ!
My old account, BLG, contacted me today and said they might still use me for couriers, as their regular courier, Andre, is a little swamped right now. This would be so cool, I haven't been able to do much canvassing for new accounts lately and I really need a big account to keep me busy. Woohoo! [keeping my fingers crossed]
I think that's what this is, it looks like this one on Rick West's site.
Took some photos of my Mexican Redleg. [Brachypelma emilia] Most turned out blurry, I guess I'll have to try to use a manual focus next time as the auto-focus doesn't seem to work very well in macro mode for some reason. Oh well, click on the picture if you want to see more pics in a pop-up window.
This HBO movie was pretty good, telling the story of those CNN reporters who got caught in Baghdad when coalition forces began to bomb the city at the begining of the Gulf War and in the process scooped all the other networks by reporting the story live. Michael Keaton was good, but boy he spent the whole movie lighting cigarettes, fucking aqualung. Helena Bonham Carter was in it as well, looking really hot and smoking a lot of cigarettes. [but not as many as iron-lung Mike] The relationship between Robert Wiener [Keaton] and Naji Al-Hadithi, the Iraqi information officer, was particularily interesting. Naji Al-Hadithi was/is part of the evil Iraqi government, yet still has a human relationship with this American news producer. Hard to reconcile the two.
I can remember when the bombing started, I was delivering a package to some office at the end of the day and there was no receptionist so I went to the back and there was some suit there watching TV. He just glanced over at me and said 'They've started bombing Baghdad' and went back to watching the show. My jaw dropped and I just stood there watching the green night-vision pictures of the bombing. After awhile he offered me a seat and I sat there for a some time, trying to figure out what it all meant. Then I thanked him and left, he was still sitting there in shock watching the TV. It was weird back then, I think it was the first major military action involving the west for a long time and we really didn't know if it would remain contained or spread like wildfire into a world war. Luckily, it turned out to be a short and relatively painless war, at least from a western perspective. Too bad our current war on terrorism couldn't be resolved as quickly. *sigh*
I cleaned my tarantula cages on the weekend, switching from astro-turf to potting soil for substrate. I had them on astro-turf for the longest time but I don't think they liked it very much and soil just looks better. But the soil was moist and it steamed up their tanks, so I took the lids off a few to let the excess moisture evaporate. Well, the spider pictured below saw this as an opportunity to escape, bastard. Luckily she didn't go very far, just sat there on the carpet beside her cage. With a little gentle prodding [well not so gentle, the bitch clamped onto the carpet pretty good!] I got her into a scooper and back into her cage. Lids on tight, all the kids in bed. Goodnight!
It was really slow today at work, I really need to get some new accounts! Tomorrow I go to the dentist first thing in the morning. Not sure what kind of sick torture they have in mind for me now, but I have to quit going there, they are killing me financially. Watching hockey, Flames are winning 2 - 1 against Vancouver third period. Haven't watched a hockey game in ages, don't know who anybody is, except Jarome Iginla, and he ain't playing tonight. Go figure.
Just finished watching Vanilla Sky. Ugh, what a lousy movie! The original Spanish version [Abre Los Ojos] was so much better. Bad casting, Cruise was just so wrong for the part, much too old and he smirked and laughed his way through the film, very irritating. And the way music was used in this film was really distracting, as if there wasn't enough going on in this movie, having top 40 songs blare onto the screen, as it were, at the most inappropriate times, just horrible. If you haven't seen this movie, don't bother, track down the vastly superior original.
The supreme court rejected the patent for the Harvard mouse.
I'm all for genetically modifying life forms, I think a lot of cool things could be done with this technology. But actually patenting the life form itself rather than the process that created it, well I think that's fraught with problems and not a good idea. They should just try and maximize their profits while its fresh and new, and then move on to the next project. Instead they try to patent everything under the sun and then sue anybody who even remotely infringes upon one of their millions of patents, its ridiculous. And then there's the games drug companies are playing to shut out generic drugs and the patented canola that pollinated some poor farmer's field so he had to pay some big agricultural firm for use of their patent. This whole patent thing has got out of control, dammit!
This article in the National Post describes how UPS is sueing Canada Post for unfair competition because they use their postal monopoly to subsidize their courier services. Not sure how this would affect me if they [UPS] won, but I do know there is some regulation that forbids couriers from charging less than 4X the postage rate, which works out to somewhere around $2.00. I can just imagine how the hyper-competetive courier business would react if this regulation wasn't in effect, we would probably see prices drop and hence make less money. Maybe I'm just a pessimist. As long as we don't have to wear those dreary brown uniforms UPS couriers wear. Yuck!
Jill send me a bunch of these ads. Maybe I'm just easily amused but I thought they were really funny.
Its 9:30 am and nobody's called me yet! So I'm still at home waiting for my first call, trying not to get too comfortable in case I do get that first call soon. Not looking forward to it, there is about 5 cm of snow on the ground and its about -13° Celsius out. Brrr!
K, fuck 'em all, I'm gonna fire up Warcraft III. Don't send a search party...
Its legal in some states for people to examine your trash, so some reporters in Portland decided to go through the mayor's [amongst others] garbage to see what they could find. Hilarious. Reminds me of some crook I used to know who would do dumpster dives behind stores to get credit card carbons and then order stuff to greyhound stations using the pilfered credit card numbers. And people worry about the internet...
This guy breeds mini-cows. Mmmm, now I just need to get an apartment that allows pets and I'll never have to buy milk again!
Another mini-cow story.
I was going to head out and get some crickets, when this happened.
Guess the kids will have to starve, no way I'm going out in that!
U.S. ready to unleash weapons -- The Washington Times They should start a war channel, with live video feeds from various weapons as they hone in on their targets. I can just see Saddam sitting there in his bunker watching TV. "Hey that looks like my house..." KABOOM!
Went to get crickets for my spiders, but the pet store was closed. Damn thing is way down by Heritage as well. Then I went to Future Shop to get a couple of DVDs that were supposedly on sale. They only had 50 each of the ones on sale and they were long gone by the time I got there. Just couldn't bring myself to buy them at a more reasonable, normal sale price so I got none. But I did get 100 blank CDRs for $40, which was a good deal. If the new tax comes in Jan. 1, the levy on 100 CDRs will be 59 cents each, so the tax alone will be $59.00! So the blanks I bought today for $40 will be over $100 in 2003! Ridiculous.
Anyway, I came home, did dishes, washed floors, did laundry and I will get to the washroom eventually I suppose. Boy, I have so much fun! Eww, they just had a cat that was de-clawed on TV. There's something just not right about that. What's the point of being a cat if you can't claw somebody's eyes out? Well I'm off to waste some forest dwellers in WCIII. [I'm almost done!]
I spent the day making pizza [and eating it. burp!], playing Warcraft III [yawn], and I watched Millenium [a repeat, unfortunately, and I hardly ever even watch the show!]. All in all, a pretty relaxing, layed-back holiday. And its warm, sunny and dry, glad I don't live in the east. Some chick was on CNN saying they had just received 7 inches of snow in the last hour. Maybe she was exagerrating, but still, it looks pretty darn ugly for those folks. Oh well, I'm sure we'll get our turn eventually, although the forecast calls for +8 degrees Celsius for tomorrow. Woohoo! Wicked, I can ride my bike out for some boxing day shopping.
Merry Christmas everybody!
Yesterday I had to meet somebody in front of McDonald's to drop off an envelope. So I drop off the envelope no problem, go to my next stop and go to lock up my bike, and there was ketchup all over my back rim, frame, crank-arms and my shoes and pants! Argh! I guess I ran over a ketchup packet when I pulled into the Ronnie's parking lot. Now I need to hose down my bike dammit! Or I could just lick it off, I guess...
It's Friday! Yeah! What a long week, very busy. Spent half my time at the courthouse [thanks Michelle!] and by the time I got out, I would have a bunch of deliveries getting old. Very hectic and stressful, but hey, I made it and its the weekend. Time to relax, but not too much, I think I slept through most of last weekend, don't want to do that again! Plan on playing some games, I haven't done that in weeks! Let see, what do I have...
"It's so important for Americans to know that the traffic in drugs finances the work of terror, sustaining terrorists, that terrorists use drug profits to fund their cells to commit acts of murder. If you quit drugs, you join the fight against terror in America."
President George W. Bush
Watching the Survivor finale tonight, I was repeatedly assaulted with the most fucking assinine commercials by some group called the antidrug. I wanted to tell these assholes how goddamn irritating their ads were that I was tempted to start a heavy morphine habit, but for some reason, there is no way to leave feedback for these dimwits. Their website is all one way. We tell you, you listen. Well fuck you too. Their insistance that there is a link between terrorism and drugs is ridiculous. We also know there are many groups that rely on money from charities, should we also stop giving money to charities? And of course, terrorists get money from oil, yet you don't hear Bush asking us to stop buying oil to put a stop to terrorism, do you? Fucking moron.
I can't say I like Yoko Ono very much, but I will have to say I agree with her on this issue. Paul McCartney wants to change the writing credits on a bunch of Beatles songs from Lenon-McCartney to Paul McCartney and John Lennon. What a dick! Like we care that you wrote a wee bit more than John on a handful of songs. In case you haven't noticed, John is dead and is in no position to defend himself. This is, in Yoko's words, ridiculous, absurd and petty, and I would have to agree with the skank. Just let it be, Paul, let it be.
CNN has revealed seven new plans to replace the World Trade Center towers. None of them are that good, IMNSHO, but at least they aren't as hideous as the first batch. And four of them would be the tallest buildings in the world. At least they seem to get the idea that the replacements for the originals should be something remarkable, groundbreaking, unlike the pedestrian offerings from the first proposals. I think the real memorial to the victims of this tragedy will be the replacement buildings themselves, not some park or museum they dump on the site.
The reviews are in, and it looks like the new Lord of the Rings installment is a winner. Rotten Tomatoes is giving it a 99%, 94 positive reviews and 1 bad one. I don't want to read the reviews just in case they have spoilers, which is kind of ironic as I have read the books but that was like a million years ago and I've forgotten most of the details. I figure maybe Christmas Eve would be a good time to go, the crowds should have died down and I can catch a matinee because I'll only be working a half-day that day, I hope.
I can't believe this story I read over at Metafilter about a German cannibal who advertised on 80 different websites looking for somebody to partake in his perversion. He actually found somebody stupid enough to take him up on his offer, they cut off the man's penis, cooked it up and ate it. He then tortured him to death, cut him up and threw him in the freezer. This was all recorded on videotape for posterity. Most of the idiot was eaten over the following months, the bones being buried around the yard. You just can't make this shit up!
Mmmmm, cut off my own penis, cook it up and eat it, or hit Rotten Ronnies for a burger... Life is full of difficult choices, ain't it?
More on this story. Police say the suspect is not mentally disturbed. I beg to differ!
My old account, BLG, contacted me today and said they might still use me for couriers, as their regular courier, Andre, is a little swamped right now. This would be so cool, I haven't been able to do much canvassing for new accounts lately and I really need a big account to keep me busy. Woohoo! [keeping my fingers crossed]
I think that's what this is, it looks like this one on Rick West's site.
Took some photos of my Mexican Redleg. [Brachypelma emilia] Most turned out blurry, I guess I'll have to try to use a manual focus next time as the auto-focus doesn't seem to work very well in macro mode for some reason. Oh well, click on the picture if you want to see more pics in a pop-up window.
This HBO movie was pretty good, telling the story of those CNN reporters who got caught in Baghdad when coalition forces began to bomb the city at the begining of the Gulf War and in the process scooped all the other networks by reporting the story live. Michael Keaton was good, but boy he spent the whole movie lighting cigarettes, fucking aqualung. Helena Bonham Carter was in it as well, looking really hot and smoking a lot of cigarettes. [but not as many as iron-lung Mike] The relationship between Robert Wiener [Keaton] and Naji Al-Hadithi, the Iraqi information officer, was particularily interesting. Naji Al-Hadithi was/is part of the evil Iraqi government, yet still has a human relationship with this American news producer. Hard to reconcile the two.
I can remember when the bombing started, I was delivering a package to some office at the end of the day and there was no receptionist so I went to the back and there was some suit there watching TV. He just glanced over at me and said 'They've started bombing Baghdad' and went back to watching the show. My jaw dropped and I just stood there watching the green night-vision pictures of the bombing. After awhile he offered me a seat and I sat there for a some time, trying to figure out what it all meant. Then I thanked him and left, he was still sitting there in shock watching the TV. It was weird back then, I think it was the first major military action involving the west for a long time and we really didn't know if it would remain contained or spread like wildfire into a world war. Luckily, it turned out to be a short and relatively painless war, at least from a western perspective. Too bad our current war on terrorism couldn't be resolved as quickly. *sigh*
I cleaned my tarantula cages on the weekend, switching from astro-turf to potting soil for substrate. I had them on astro-turf for the longest time but I don't think they liked it very much and soil just looks better. But the soil was moist and it steamed up their tanks, so I took the lids off a few to let the excess moisture evaporate. Well, the spider pictured below saw this as an opportunity to escape, bastard. Luckily she didn't go very far, just sat there on the carpet beside her cage. With a little gentle prodding [well not so gentle, the bitch clamped onto the carpet pretty good!] I got her into a scooper and back into her cage. Lids on tight, all the kids in bed. Goodnight!
It was really slow today at work, I really need to get some new accounts! Tomorrow I go to the dentist first thing in the morning. Not sure what kind of sick torture they have in mind for me now, but I have to quit going there, they are killing me financially. Watching hockey, Flames are winning 2 - 1 against Vancouver third period. Haven't watched a hockey game in ages, don't know who anybody is, except Jarome Iginla, and he ain't playing tonight. Go figure.
Just finished watching Vanilla Sky. Ugh, what a lousy movie! The original Spanish version [Abre Los Ojos] was so much better. Bad casting, Cruise was just so wrong for the part, much too old and he smirked and laughed his way through the film, very irritating. And the way music was used in this film was really distracting, as if there wasn't enough going on in this movie, having top 40 songs blare onto the screen, as it were, at the most inappropriate times, just horrible. If you haven't seen this movie, don't bother, track down the vastly superior original.
The supreme court rejected the patent for the Harvard mouse.
I'm all for genetically modifying life forms, I think a lot of cool things could be done with this technology. But actually patenting the life form itself rather than the process that created it, well I think that's fraught with problems and not a good idea. They should just try and maximize their profits while its fresh and new, and then move on to the next project. Instead they try to patent everything under the sun and then sue anybody who even remotely infringes upon one of their millions of patents, its ridiculous. And then there's the games drug companies are playing to shut out generic drugs and the patented canola that pollinated some poor farmer's field so he had to pay some big agricultural firm for use of their patent. This whole patent thing has got out of control, dammit!
This article in the National Post describes how UPS is sueing Canada Post for unfair competition because they use their postal monopoly to subsidize their courier services. Not sure how this would affect me if they [UPS] won, but I do know there is some regulation that forbids couriers from charging less than 4X the postage rate, which works out to somewhere around $2.00. I can just imagine how the hyper-competetive courier business would react if this regulation wasn't in effect, we would probably see prices drop and hence make less money. Maybe I'm just a pessimist. As long as we don't have to wear those dreary brown uniforms UPS couriers wear. Yuck!
Been too busy to do any blogging lately, or much of anything else for that matter! Helped the BLG people get packed for their big move, courier biz has been crazy last two weeks, had to see the movie people for my cheque and today I had the wonderful experience of a root canal first thing in the morning. Went well but was rather expensive, plus I have another two appointments next week. Bleh! But now that my friends at BLG have moved [bye! *sniff, sniff*] and I wont see them as much, if at all, and my other account Best Pacific is also gone, I will be much less busy. Unfortunately that means less money for me and do I ever need more money with this damn dentistry vampire sucking my wallet dry, I really need to pick up more accounts and fast! I did get one new account today [hi Krystal!], but I really need a big account to replace BLG. Not that anybody could ever replace the awesome group of people that worked there. They rocked! I will miss them all so much.
Been too busy to do any blogging lately, or much of anything else for that matter! Helped the BLG people get packed for their big move, courier biz has been crazy last two weeks, had to see the movie people for my cheque and today I had the wonderful experience of a root canal first thing in the morning. Went well but was rather expensive, plus I have another two appointments next week. Bleh! But now that my friends at BLG have moved [bye! *sniff, sniff*] and I wont see them as much, if at all, and my other account Best Pacific is also gone, I will be much less busy. Unfortunately that means less money for me and do I ever need more money with this damn dentistry vampire sucking my wallet dry, I really need to pick up more accounts and fast! I did get one new account today [hi Krystal!], but I really need a big account to replace BLG. Not that anybody could ever replace the awesome group of people that worked there. They rocked! I will miss them all so much.