February 26, 2003

Silence that man, now

First they used zip ties to handcuff suspects, now a Judge duct tapes defendant's mouth. What next, trade in the electric chair for a whoopee cushion? Sheesh!

Posted by Fungii at 10:13 PM

The Cookie Project

Assemble ingredients.And soon, we have this! [boy, i'm good]

Posted by Fungii at 09:17 PM

Started bad, got worse

It was so quiet this morning, I only did 2 deliveries the whole morning! And if that wasn't bad enough, just as I'm grabbing some lunch, my pager starts to go off. So I wolf down my lunch, go pick up this rush and its going to a place that's closed for lunch. Bah! It doesn't really matter to me, I'm just the courier, but it is kind of irritating. Then it snowed. I've had enough snow for this year, thank you very much. And I really couldn't give a damn if the farmers really need it. Ain't no farmers in the concrete jungle, baby.

It's so white, abominably white!!!

Posted by Fungii at 09:11 PM

February 24, 2003


I transfered most of my spiders to new cages last week. Well not new cages but I did replace the substrate and added clay pots and water dishes. My Haplopelma lividum's enclosure was filled up more than halfway with potting soil to encourage burrowing. And sure enough, she's begun to dig a burrow, straight down so far, but she's almost hit the bottom so she might branch off soon. Its funny how she freezes as soon as I turn on the light to check her out. Very shy spider.

Dig, dig, dig...

Posted by Fungii at 11:00 PM


My Aphonopelma seemanni was already pretty chubby before I fed her a pinky last night. Now she's definately on the heavy side. I like how she's crossing her spinnerets, like she has to take a leak or something.

Somebody get me a bucket.


And here she is before eating the pinky.

Before she ate the pinky.

While she was consuming the pinky, I noticed its tail had fallen off near the spot where she had first caught him. Not wanting to disturb her meal, I figured I would retrieve it later. [to prevent it from rotting and spreading mold or disease] Looking in later, she was over the spot where the tail was, so I would have to try again later. Then she moved away, and guess what? The tail was gone! The greedy little bastard had gone back and consumed the tail!

Posted by Fungii at 10:48 PM

Another View

Strange ridge down the middle of its carapace.

Posted by Fungii at 10:36 PM

Freshly Molted Emilia

Here is my juvenile [?] Brachypelma emilia.

Hey babeeee!

And just for camparison, here's my adult emilia. Much duller colours, yes? [and a fatter belly!]

Big ass emilia.

Posted by Fungii at 10:29 PM

February 23, 2003

X-Men 2 Trailer

Here's the X2 trailer. Looks good.

Posted by Fungii at 07:37 PM

February 21, 2003

Can I stay home today?

It's -22°C right now, -32°C with the wind chill and the high for today is forecast at -19°C. Man, I hate my job on days like today.

[I don't know what's the matter with my weather script, it doesn't seem to be working. Here's the forecast for Calgary.]

Posted by Fungii at 07:21 AM

February 20, 2003

We're born crying, and when we've cried enough, we die

Yikes, now I have to post something, anything, to try to bump Tyson's ugly mug off my page. He does look like he could eat somebody's children, doesn't he?

Run, Forrest, run!

Anyway, I just finished watching Akira Kurosawa's Ran. Awesome flick. I think it was based on Shakespeare's Norman Lear or something. The best part was when Kurogane lops off Lady Kaede's melon. Whoa, I haven't seen that much spray since Braindead [Dead Alive]! All kidding aside, it was a really good movie, check it out. [sorry about the spoiler!]

Posted by Fungii at 11:06 PM


Reality bites? Tyson may get own TV show.

Nice tatty there, FREAK!

Posted by Fungii at 10:26 PM

February 19, 2003

Gateshead Millennium Bridge

This bridge is so cool, they should get the people who designed this to design replacements for the WTC towers. It rotates to let boats get past.

Gateshead Millenium Bridge

via Daily Planet

Posted by Fungii at 09:31 PM

Avid 203mm cable disc brake

I got my disc brake today! Hurray! This thing's huge. I had no idea it was going to be so big. Oh well, the disc should last longer due to the larger surface area. I can't wait, no more rim wear! I usually ride my rims till the sidewall gets so thin that it blows out, usually quite explosively. Although my last rim got all warped and no matter how many times I tightened the spokes, it would go back out of true again. Anyways, my new rim should last much, much longer than usual with this new brake. I just hope my forks last. I can see a lot of corrosion on the bottom sleeves. My last set of forks were so corroded, the inner rod poked right through the outer sleeve. Not good. I wish they would put some kind of anti-corrosion coating on them to prevent this. But if they did that, they couldn't sell us new forks every two years! Yeah, what was I thinking.

Posted by Fungii at 07:56 PM

February 16, 2003

Haplopelma lividum

Here is my Cobalt blue sub-adult. The blue colour in its legs shows up much better in pictures than in viewing with the naked eye. Guess the flash helps a lot. She's stopped eating lately so I'm hoping she's about to molt. She killed the last cricket I threw in there, but she didn't eat it. I need to change the substrate in all these cages, but it's too cold out today to go to the store. The substrate they have now has tree bark in it, probably cedar. Tarantulas hate cedar.

Blue morning, blue day...

Just hanging, baby!

You can see her little claws at the end of her legs in the pic below.

How the hell do I get down from here? Call the fire department!

Posted by Fungii at 02:54 PM

Brachypelma emilia

Here's my Mexican redleg sub-adult. You can see its abdomen has turned black, signifying a molt is in the offing. Hopefully I'll be around to take pictures. [and not delete them. Doh!]

Check out my black ass!

Posted by Fungii at 02:45 PM

Grammostola grossa

Here's my Pampas tawnyred male. He's all legs and hair. I tried picking him up but he was all nervous and jittery so I let him be. He seems to eat all the crickets I throw at him, so I'm hoping he'll be around for awhile. [males don't live nearly as long as females and all the previous males I've had have stopped eating and slowly starved themselves to death]

Leave me alone!

All I need is a dirty woman...

Hairy Larry

Just hanging.

Posted by Fungii at 01:59 PM

More Pictures

Black Beauty

Come closer, I won't bite....Lasiodora subcanens?!

Posted by Fungii at 11:16 AM

New Spider

This tarantula came out of its molt much darker than before. It will probably fade back to its old colour over time, but it does look damn good the way it is now. Its pretty well jet black with green highlights on its carapace and the first leg segments, although you can't really see the green on its legs in these pictures. The pictures I took during its molt showed the green on its legs quite clearly, but of course, those pictures are gone. [grumble, grumble] And there's the orange stripes on its knees. Here's a couple before and after pictures.

New Look

Old Look

Posted by Fungii at 11:10 AM

Old Skin

Here's the old skin from my spider that just molted.

Lovely isn't it?


Posted by Fungii at 10:57 AM

February 15, 2003

I Hate this World

After taking a shitload of pictures of my tarantula molting last night, I went to check them out this morning. I downloaded them to my computer and deleted them from the camera. Then I looked at them with this stupid, fucked-up software that came with my camera. [ZoomBrowserEX] This piece of shit software puts a bunch of fucking thumbnails on your computer every time you download pictures from your camera. Then, even after you've moved the files, it displays all these thumbnails every time you start the program. So I was deleting all these thumbnails so it wouldn't bog down every time I downloaded pictures from my camera, but not the pictures I just downloaded of course. There were some thumbnails in the main directory for pictures that I had moved a long time ago, so I chose to delete those. And what did the program do? It deleted the subdirectory with all my freshly downloaded pictures of my T molting! Motherfucker! So, to make a long story short, I spent the whole fucking day today trying to recover these files either from my hard drive or camera. No luck, they're gone for good. I am so pissed off. I spent all last night taking those pictures and all today on trying to recover them for nothing. Fuck! I wish comapnies wouldn't include such fucked-up, shitty programs with their hardware, they just fuck things up. I guess that's why we get them for free.

Posted by Fungii at 06:40 PM

February 14, 2003

Molt Update #2

It's 9:40pm, over 4 hours since I got home and saw her flipped over, and she just started moving her legs around. Hopefully she'll start to pull out soon.

Well, it's 11:00pm and she's pretty well finished her molt. I took like a ton of pictures, but I'm too tired to post them right now. I'll put them up in the morning. Goodnight.

Posted by Fungii at 09:54 PM

Molt Update

She's still on her back, no movement. I got home at about 5:30pm and its now almost 7:30pm, so she's been at it for at least 2 hours. She should start doing her stretching exercises pretty soon. Get on with it already, dammit!

Posted by Fungii at 07:38 PM

Tarantula Molting

I've fallen and can't get up!

This is my Lasiodora subcanens¹ on its back, about to shed its skin [molt]. I hope it goes ok, its abdomen looks like it's twisted to one side a bit. Oh well, nothing I can do but watch and keep my fingers crossed.

I'll try to do updates live, with fresh pictures as she goes through her molt.

¹ I think it's a Lasiodora subcanens, this picture was the closest to the way it looks.

I think he wants you to tickle his belly...I WAS dancing on the ceiling...

Posted by Fungii at 06:38 PM

February 12, 2003

Grammostola rosea

Chilean Rose

Here's my Chilean Rose tarantula. Common and cheap, but not bad looking and easy to take care of. She was my first tarantula, I think I bought her about 7 years ago but it could be longer. She was already an adult when I bought her so she could be quite old. She won't eat pinkies but she'll eat crickets till her belly's huge. And then she'll stop eating, I think she fasted once for a couple years. Yes, she went for a couple years without any food, I guess if they have a full belly and water, they can last for a very long time between meals. Then she molted and now she's back to eating like a pig again.

My Rosie

Just to update this post, I said this spider was about 7 years old because I knew I had her for at least 7 years and I didn't want to make any unsubstantiated claims about her being older. Well, I was digging through some old videotapes the other day, and I came across some footage of her, timestamped 1990. So I've had her for around fourteen years, and since I bought her as an adult, I'm sure she's at least 15 years old. Cool, she looks good for a granny!

Posted by Fungii at 07:55 PM

Hump Day

The late people paid their bill. Cool. I thought I might have bounced a cheque, but then I checked my account and the money is there. Yea. My credit card got charged for my new disc brake so I should be getting that soon. Woohoo. The weather was good [warm & sunny], it was busy at work but not crazy and I don't think anybody pissed me off. Holy shit, I think I actually had a good day. Weird. I have an uneasy feeling I'm going to pay for this unexpected good fortune...

Posted by Fungii at 06:43 PM

February 11, 2003

How the Mighty have Fallen

Hey, dude, you're getting a cell!

Posted by Fungii at 08:12 AM

February 10, 2003

After the snow melted

Yes work sucked today, again

Stephen Avenue Mall

Posted by Fungii at 09:28 PM

February 08, 2003

More Snow

It snowed some more today. Shit. I guess I wont be riding my mountain bike with its new parts on Monday. I started putting it together today, but the rear derailler pulleys were in pretty rough shape so I ran to MEC to pick up some new ones, among other things. They only had pulleys for 7 speed chains and I'm putting together a 9 speed drivetrain. [9 speed chains are thinner than 7 speed chains] So I ride over to the bike shop one block over to get some there. The guy there doesn't even ask me what speed the drivetrain is and he comes out with the same pulleys as the ones at MEC. Not only that, but they want $6.00 each, whereas MEC was only asking $2.00 a pair. Yikes! So I went back to MEC and bought a pair from there. Hopefully they'll work ok until I can get some proper ones.

My new brake. Ain't she purty?

I also picked up a new u-lock for $15.00, my old one was driving me crazy. The key would get stuck halfway through unlocking and I would have to reef on it to get it to turn. Pain in the ass. Got a couple pairs of brake pads as well, although I might not need them both as I ordered a disk brake for the front. I should get it sometime this week. I hope. Its a Avid 203mm mech disk brake. Woohoo! Should be good. I just hope it comes with the correct mounting adapter for my forks. [RockShox T2]

203mm (biggest) rotor on the new 2003 Avid Disk Brake. Everything included - rotor, caliper, mounting hardware and instructions.

Posted by Fungii at 10:23 PM

February 07, 2003

No Lunch Today

It was so busy today, I never got to go for lunch. Now that's busy! My feet are sore. I got some food from Wendy's on the way home. Now I need a stiff drink. Some asshole opened his truck door right in front of me today. I managed to swerve out his way and gave him a "you fucking idiot!" as I rode by. Friday always seems to bring out the low-IQ mouth-breathers, driving their Jeep Cherokees, chatting on the phone, looking one way & driving the other way, opening their fucking doors right in front of you. And earlier in the day, some dick decided to make an unsignaled left turn in the middle of the intersection from the far lane, nearly running over the bike commuter riding in front of me. Fridays are the worst.

And then there's the people who haven't paid their bill for a long time. [3 months] Now I'm a patient guy, but this is getting ridiculous. I was going to cut them off on Monday, but I know they do a cheque run in the middle of the month so I might just wait till then. This is really pissing me off, I'm a one-man operation so if people don't pay their bills, it can really throw out my financial planning. And its just plain ignorant. I try to be patient and cut people some slack, but obviously, some people take this as an invitation to be dicks. Well its not. And I've just about reached the end of my rope in this matter.

Anyway, its the weekend, time to relax. And work on my bike and shit. Oh yeah, and drink. A lot.

Posted by Fungii at 06:06 PM

February 05, 2003

One Tower

Calgary Tower aka Husky Tower

Posted by Fungii at 07:39 PM

Ready to Molt

check out my black ass baby
This spider is ready to molt soon. You can tell by its black abdomen. [its usually a light beige colour] It stopped eating crickets a few days ago, so it should molt anyday now. Wonder if that bald patch will have hair on it this time?

Posted by Fungii at 07:22 PM

Another Day in Hell

It snowed a lot last night. When I arrived downtown, I hit an ice patch and suddenly there was no bike under me. The pavement reached up and smacked me in the knee. Now I have an owie.

And my bike was running like the POS that it is. The drivetrain is totally shot. So when I put the least bit of torque to the pedals, the chain skips badly, when it doesn't fly right off the chainring. Fucker. I have the parts to replace the drivetrain, but I don't want to do it till the weekend. Yes, I am lazy. So I will probably use my road bike tomorrow. Too bad the brakes squeal like banshees.

And if all that wasn't bad enough, my Blackberry stopped working for the last few hours of the day. Luckily, it was slow at the end of the day so I didn't really miss anything.

It was really muddy today, too. I got totally coated in this corrosive mud/salt concoction. Its eating the skin off my ass. Ow.

Posted by Fungii at 06:48 PM

February 04, 2003

Michael Jackson Interview

This Friday, 20/20 is airing a special two hour show on Michael Jackson.

A special two-hour documentary on the extraordinary, and sometimes bizarre, life of reclusive pop icon Michael Jackson.

Apparently he speaks of sharing his bed with children during sleep-overs, insisting its perfectly natural and wonderful and shit. And how, when his son [daughter?] was born, he grabbed the baby, placenta and all, and raced home with him/her. Yes, Mikey, we're laughing at you, not with you.

Posted by Fungii at 08:07 AM

February 03, 2003

Joe Millionaire

Watching Joe Millionaire tonight, Joe said "Me and Sarah have really found a bond between us". Funny, I wonder if he chose those words on his own, or if he was coached by the producers who most likely know of her past and thought it would make a good 'in joke'.

Posted by Fungii at 08:13 PM

February 02, 2003

Pokie Bite

Found an interesting account of being bit by a Poecilitheria species and its after effects. [via SpiderTalk Forum] Does not sound particularily pleasant. I had a Poecilitheria ornata once, but would never think of actually handling it.

Posted by Fungii at 05:53 PM

Special Characters in MT

I made a button for my MT New Entry screen to insert special characters via a pop-up window. Let's see if it works, shall we?

¢ £ © ® « » ² ³ ° · < > ~ ∴ ¶ † ¹

Yep it works! Woohoo! I thought the angle brackets might not work as advertised, but it seems fine. Now I just need to add more chars.

Posted by Fungii at 12:18 PM

February 01, 2003

Columbia Space Shuttle breaks up over Texas

I am just so depressed. CNN.com - Columbia shuttle breaks up over Texas - Feb. 1, 2003

Posted by Fungii at 10:14 AM

Columbia Space Shuttle breaks up over Texas

fungii.com: February 2003 Archives

February 26, 2003

First they used zip ties to handcuff suspects, now a Judge duct tapes defendant's mouth. What next, trade in the electric chair for a whoopee cushion? Sheesh!

Posted by Fungii at 10:13 PM

I've started reading The Lord of the Rings again, starting with The Fellowship of the Ring of course. Actually, I just finished reading The Hobbit first, a very cool prequel to LOTR and a lot less dense. Its weird how a lot of the story still feels familiar to me even though I last read it like a thousand years ago. Anyways, I came across this cool poem during today's reading session. Tolkien sure had a way with words. I think he was Marilyn Manson's dad, in spirit at least.

Cold be hand and heart and bone,

and cold be sleep under stone:

never more to wake on stony bed,

never, till the Sun fails and the Moon is dead.

In the black wind the stars shall die,

and still on gold here let them lie,

till the dark lord lifts his hand

over dead sea and withered land.

Posted by Fungii at 09:34 PM

Assemble ingredients.And soon, we have this! [boy, i'm good]

Posted by Fungii at 09:17 PM

It was so quiet this morning, I only did 2 deliveries the whole morning! And if that wasn't bad enough, just as I'm grabbing some lunch, my pager starts to go off. So I wolf down my lunch, go pick up this rush and its going to a place that's closed for lunch. Bah! It doesn't really matter to me, I'm just the courier, but it is kind of irritating. Then it snowed. I've had enough snow for this year, thank you very much. And I really couldn't give a damn if the farmers really need it. Ain't no farmers in the concrete jungle, baby.

It's so white, abominably white!!!

Posted by Fungii at 09:11 PM

February 24, 2003

I transfered most of my spiders to new cages last week. Well not new cages but I did replace the substrate and added clay pots and water dishes. My Haplopelma lividum's enclosure was filled up more than halfway with potting soil to encourage burrowing. And sure enough, she's begun to dig a burrow, straight down so far, but she's almost hit the bottom so she might branch off soon. Its funny how she freezes as soon as I turn on the light to check her out. Very shy spider.

Dig, dig, dig...

Posted by Fungii at 11:00 PM

My Aphonopelma seemanni was already pretty chubby before I fed her a pinky last night. Now she's definately on the heavy side. I like how she's crossing her spinnerets, like she has to take a leak or something.

Somebody get me a bucket.


And here she is before eating the pinky.

Before she ate the pinky.

While she was consuming the pinky, I noticed its tail had fallen off near the spot where she had first caught him. Not wanting to disturb her meal, I figured I would retrieve it later. [to prevent it from rotting and spreading mold or disease] Looking in later, she was over the spot where the tail was, so I would have to try again later. Then she moved away, and guess what? The tail was gone! The greedy little bastard had gone back and consumed the tail!

Posted by Fungii at 10:48 PM

Strange ridge down the middle of its carapace.

Posted by Fungii at 10:36 PM

Here is my juvenile [?] Brachypelma emilia.

Hey babeeee!

And just for camparison, here's my adult emilia. Much duller colours, yes? [and a fatter belly!]

Big ass emilia.

Posted by Fungii at 10:29 PM

February 23, 2003

Here's the X2 trailer. Looks good.

Posted by Fungii at 07:37 PM

February 21, 2003

It's -22°C right now, -32°C with the wind chill and the high for today is forecast at -19°C. Man, I hate my job on days like today.

[I don't know what's the matter with my weather script, it doesn't seem to be working. Here's the forecast for Calgary.]

Posted by Fungii at 07:21 AM

February 20, 2003

Yikes, now I have to post something, anything, to try to bump Tyson's ugly mug off my page. He does look like he could eat somebody's children, doesn't he?

Run, Forrest, run!

Anyway, I just finished watching Akira Kurosawa's Ran. Awesome flick. I think it was based on Shakespeare's Norman Lear or something. The best part was when Kurogane lops off Lady Kaede's melon. Whoa, I haven't seen that much spray since Braindead [Dead Alive]! All kidding aside, it was a really good movie, check it out. [sorry about the spoiler!]

Posted by Fungii at 11:06 PM

Reality bites? Tyson may get own TV show.

Nice tatty there, FREAK!

Posted by Fungii at 10:26 PM

February 19, 2003

This bridge is so cool, they should get the people who designed this to design replacements for the WTC towers. It rotates to let boats get past.

Gateshead Millenium Bridge

Posted by Fungii at 09:31 PM

I got my disc brake today! Hurray! This thing's huge. I had no idea it was going to be so big. Oh well, the disc should last longer due to the larger surface area. I can't wait, no more rim wear! I usually ride my rims till the sidewall gets so thin that it blows out, usually quite explosively. Although my last rim got all warped and no matter how many times I tightened the spokes, it would go back out of true again. Anyways, my new rim should last much, much longer than usual with this new brake. I just hope my forks last. I can see a lot of corrosion on the bottom sleeves. My last set of forks were so corroded, the inner rod poked right through the outer sleeve. Not good. I wish they would put some kind of anti-corrosion coating on them to prevent this. But if they did that, they couldn't sell us new forks every two years! Yeah, what was I thinking.

Posted by Fungii at 07:56 PM

February 16, 2003

Here is my Cobalt blue sub-adult. The blue colour in its legs shows up much better in pictures than in viewing with the naked eye. Guess the flash helps a lot. She's stopped eating lately so I'm hoping she's about to molt. She killed the last cricket I threw in there, but she didn't eat it. I need to change the substrate in all these cages, but it's too cold out today to go to the store. The substrate they have now has tree bark in it, probably cedar. Tarantulas hate cedar.

Blue morning, blue day...

Just hanging, baby!

You can see her little claws at the end of her legs in the pic below.

How the hell do I get down from here? Call the fire department!

Posted by Fungii at 02:54 PM

Here's my Mexican redleg sub-adult. You can see its abdomen has turned black, signifying a molt is in the offing. Hopefully I'll be around to take pictures. [and not delete them. Doh!]

Check out my black ass!

Posted by Fungii at 02:45 PM

Here's my Pampas tawnyred male. He's all legs and hair. I tried picking him up but he was all nervous and jittery so I let him be. He seems to eat all the crickets I throw at him, so I'm hoping he'll be around for awhile. [males don't live nearly as long as females and all the previous males I've had have stopped eating and slowly starved themselves to death]

Leave me alone!

All I need is a dirty woman...

Hairy Larry

Just hanging.

Posted by Fungii at 01:59 PM

Black Beauty

Come closer, I won't bite....Lasiodora subcanens?!

Posted by Fungii at 11:16 AM

This tarantula came out of its molt much darker than before. It will probably fade back to its old colour over time, but it does look damn good the way it is now. Its pretty well jet black with green highlights on its carapace and the first leg segments, although you can't really see the green on its legs in these pictures. The pictures I took during its molt showed the green on its legs quite clearly, but of course, those pictures are gone. [grumble, grumble] And there's the orange stripes on its knees. Here's a couple before and after pictures.

New Look

Old Look

Posted by Fungii at 11:10 AM

Here's the old skin from my spider that just molted.

Lovely isn't it?


Posted by Fungii at 10:57 AM

February 15, 2003

After taking a shitload of pictures of my tarantula molting last night, I went to check them out this morning. I downloaded them to my computer and deleted them from the camera. Then I looked at them with this stupid, fucked-up software that came with my camera. [ZoomBrowserEX] This piece of shit software puts a bunch of fucking thumbnails on your computer every time you download pictures from your camera. Then, even after you've moved the files, it displays all these thumbnails every time you start the program. So I was deleting all these thumbnails so it wouldn't bog down every time I downloaded pictures from my camera, but not the pictures I just downloaded of course. There were some thumbnails in the main directory for pictures that I had moved a long time ago, so I chose to delete those. And what did the program do? It deleted the subdirectory with all my freshly downloaded pictures of my T molting! Motherfucker! So, to make a long story short, I spent the whole fucking day today trying to recover these files either from my hard drive or camera. No luck, they're gone for good. I am so pissed off. I spent all last night taking those pictures and all today on trying to recover them for nothing. Fuck! I wish comapnies wouldn't include such fucked-up, shitty programs with their hardware, they just fuck things up. I guess that's why we get them for free.

Posted by Fungii at 06:40 PM

February 14, 2003

It's 9:40pm, over 4 hours since I got home and saw her flipped over, and she just started moving her legs around. Hopefully she'll start to pull out soon.

Well, it's 11:00pm and she's pretty well finished her molt. I took like a ton of pictures, but I'm too tired to post them right now. I'll put them up in the morning. Goodnight.

Posted by Fungii at 09:54 PM

She's still on her back, no movement. I got home at about 5:30pm and its now almost 7:30pm, so she's been at it for at least 2 hours. She should start doing her stretching exercises pretty soon. Get on with it already, dammit!

Posted by Fungii at 07:38 PM

I've fallen and can't get up!

This is my Lasiodora subcanens¹ on its back, about to shed its skin [molt]. I hope it goes ok, its abdomen looks like it's twisted to one side a bit. Oh well, nothing I can do but watch and keep my fingers crossed.

I'll try to do updates live, with fresh pictures as she goes through her molt.

¹ I think it's a Lasiodora subcanens, this picture was the closest to the way it looks.

I think he wants you to tickle his belly...I WAS dancing on the ceiling...

Posted by Fungii at 06:38 PM

February 12, 2003

Chilean Rose

Here's my Chilean Rose tarantula. Common and cheap, but not bad looking and easy to take care of. She was my first tarantula, I think I bought her about 7 years ago but it could be longer. She was already an adult when I bought her so she could be quite old. She won't eat pinkies but she'll eat crickets till her belly's huge. And then she'll stop eating, I think she fasted once for a couple years. Yes, she went for a couple years without any food, I guess if they have a full belly and water, they can last for a very long time between meals. Then she molted and now she's back to eating like a pig again.

My Rosie

Posted by Fungii at 07:55 PM

The late people paid their bill. Cool. I thought I might have bounced a cheque, but then I checked my account and the money is there. Yea. My credit card got charged for my new disc brake so I should be getting that soon. Woohoo. The weather was good [warm & sunny], it was busy at work but not crazy and I don't think anybody pissed me off. Holy shit, I think I actually had a good day. Weird. I have an uneasy feeling I'm going to pay for this unexpected good fortune...

Posted by Fungii at 06:43 PM

February 11, 2003

Hey, dude, you're getting a cell!

Posted by Fungii at 08:12 AM

February 10, 2003

Yes work sucked today, again

Stephen Avenue Mall

Posted by Fungii at 09:28 PM

February 08, 2003

It snowed some more today. Shit. I guess I wont be riding my mountain bike with its new parts on Monday. I started putting it together today, but the rear derailler pulleys were in pretty rough shape so I ran to MEC to pick up some new ones, among other things. They only had pulleys for 7 speed chains and I'm putting together a 9 speed drivetrain. [9 speed chains are thinner than 7 speed chains] So I ride over to the bike shop one block over to get some there. The guy there doesn't even ask me what speed the drivetrain is and he comes out with the same pulleys as the ones at MEC. Not only that, but they want $6.00 each, whereas MEC was only asking $2.00 a pair. Yikes! So I went back to MEC and bought a pair from there. Hopefully they'll work ok until I can get some proper ones.

My new brake. Ain't she purty?

I also picked up a new u-lock for $15.00, my old one was driving me crazy. The key would get stuck halfway through unlocking and I would have to reef on it to get it to turn. Pain in the ass. Got a couple pairs of brake pads as well, although I might not need them both as I ordered a disk brake for the front. I should get it sometime this week. I hope. Its a Avid 203mm mech disk brake. Woohoo! Should be good. I just hope it comes with the correct mounting adapter for my forks. [RockShox T2]

203mm (biggest) rotor on the new 2003 Avid Disk Brake. Everything included - rotor, caliper, mounting hardware and instructions.

Posted by Fungii at 10:23 PM

February 07, 2003

It was so busy today, I never got to go for lunch. Now that's busy! My feet are sore. I got some food from Wendy's on the way home. Now I need a stiff drink. Some asshole opened his truck door right in front of me today. I managed to swerve out his way and gave him a "you fucking idiot!" as I rode by. Friday always seems to bring out the low-IQ mouth-breathers, driving their Jeep Cherokees, chatting on the phone, looking one way & driving the other way, opening their fucking doors right in front of you. And earlier in the day, some dick decided to make an unsignaled left turn in the middle of the intersection from the far lane, nearly running over the bike commuter riding in front of me. Fridays are the worst.

And then there's the people who haven't paid their bill for a long time. [3 months] Now I'm a patient guy, but this is getting ridiculous. I was going to cut them off on Monday, but I know they do a cheque run in the middle of the month so I might just wait till then. This is really pissing me off, I'm a one-man operation so if people don't pay their bills, it can really throw out my financial planning. And its just plain ignorant. I try to be patient and cut people some slack, but obviously, some people take this as an invitation to be dicks. Well its not. And I've just about reached the end of my rope in this matter.

Anyway, its the weekend, time to relax. And work on my bike and shit. Oh yeah, and drink. A lot.

Posted by Fungii at 06:06 PM

February 05, 2003

Calgary Tower aka Husky Tower

Posted by Fungii at 07:39 PM

check out my black ass baby
This spider is ready to molt soon. You can tell by its black abdomen. [its usually a light beige colour] It stopped eating crickets a few days ago, so it should molt anyday now. Wonder if that bald patch will have hair on it this time?

Posted by Fungii at 07:22 PM

It snowed a lot last night. When I arrived downtown, I hit an ice patch and suddenly there was no bike under me. The pavement reached up and smacked me in the knee. Now I have an owie.

And my bike was running like the POS that it is. The drivetrain is totally shot. So when I put the least bit of torque to the pedals, the chain skips badly, when it doesn't fly right off the chainring. Fucker. I have the parts to replace the drivetrain, but I don't want to do it till the weekend. Yes, I am lazy. So I will probably use my road bike tomorrow. Too bad the brakes squeal like banshees.

And if all that wasn't bad enough, my Blackberry stopped working for the last few hours of the day. Luckily, it was slow at the end of the day so I didn't really miss anything.

It was really muddy today, too. I got totally coated in this corrosive mud/salt concoction. Its eating the skin off my ass. Ow.

Posted by Fungii at 06:48 PM

February 04, 2003

This Friday, 20/20 is airing a special two hour show on Michael Jackson.

A special two-hour documentary on the extraordinary, and sometimes bizarre, life of reclusive pop icon Michael Jackson.

Apparently he speaks of sharing his bed with children during sleep-overs, insisting its perfectly natural and wonderful and shit. And how, when his son [daughter?] was born, he grabbed the baby, placenta and all, and raced home with him/her. Yes, Mikey, we're laughing at you, not with you.

Posted by Fungii at 08:07 AM

February 03, 2003

Watching Joe Millionaire tonight, Joe said "Me and Sarah have really found a bond between us". Funny, I wonder if he chose those words on his own, or if he was coached by the producers who most likely know of her past and thought it would make a good 'in joke'.

Posted by Fungii at 08:13 PM

February 02, 2003

Found an interesting account of being bit by a Poecilitheria species and its after effects. [via SpiderTalk Forum] Does not sound particularily pleasant. I had a Poecilitheria ornata once, but would never think of actually handling it.

Posted by Fungii at 05:53 PM

I made a button for my MT New Entry screen to insert special characters via a pop-up window. Let's see if it works, shall we?

¢ £ © ® « » ² ³ ° · < > ~ ∴ ¶ † ¹

Yep it works! Woohoo! I thought the angle brackets might not work as advertised, but it seems fine. Now I just need to add more chars.

Posted by Fungii at 12:18 PM

February 01, 2003

I am just so depressed. CNN.com - Columbia shuttle breaks up over Texas - Feb. 1, 2003

Posted by Fungii at 10:14 AM

Posted by Fungii at 10:14 AM